Thursday, September 03, 2009

Latest project...

...hasn't been knitting or beading. I am reclaiming the patio area on the eastside of our house. That is...reclaiming it from weeds and other unwanted green stuff.

It was suppose to be done in Spring but repairs from the wildfire kept us working in the back of the house and on the workshop. Summer brought it's own issues but included high temperatures - not conducive to outside activity other then swimming (my excuse and I'm sticking with it!) So crabgrass took over and invited their friends - weeds.

The temperatures are more reasonable now so I'm out with shovel and hoe in my gloved hands to tell them the party is over. They are not going quietly as my muscles ache at the end of every session. But I'm winning. :D

The plan includes eliminating the water grass in this flower bed so that I can have color (a.k.a. flowers) along the walkway.

Planters along the patio are also included in my mad little scheme. Hopefully next Spring I'll see more of this -

and less of weeds.

I have to admit that I am a student when it comes to gardening. Being a lover of reading, knitting and beading, I'm a couch potato - but I am learning and have the determination! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Janet said...

I don't have a green thumb so I'll be watching and learning with you. I love flowers but most of the ones I've tried have burnt up in the heat and wind no matter how much I water them.

PS - we're still coughing and sputtering out here with the smoke!