Thursday, September 17, 2009

Yarn diet

When we packed our household stuff for the move last year, it hit me...where did all that yarn come from? Well, I know the answer but had not realized how out of control it had become.

During the pack up, I donated skeins that I couldn't remember why I got them, or if it was one of those "what was I thinking" skeins. And the remainder moved to Oklahoma with us.

During the un-packing, I attempted to organize my new workspace...and realized it was still more yarn then I'll ever use. And I donated more.

I kept that which I knew I would use. Then I put myself on a yarn diet. A serious yarn diet...with 1 exception - yarn that would be needed to finish the last book.

I'm proud to announce that almost a year later, I've stuck to my diet.

The yarn stash is starting to look manageable. I still have a bit to go before I will ease up on my diet.

I say "ease up" because I know I will always have yarn stashed. But it needs to be in my studio space only - not here AND in the garage!

Now...start watching for designs and projects that I've done just from the stash!

P.S. It's still raining. So no work in the east-side patio area to show. However, my Mother is working on rose bushes for me. She is so talented with taking cuttings and rooting them for new bushes. I'm looking forward to visiting her next month and learning how to do that! ;)


Janet said...

I'm the same way with books and art supplies....and I also have a fair amount of yarn but not as much as you! I never do anything with yarn in the summer months but soon I'll be thinking about dragging out some yarn and creating something.

I wish we could have just a little bit of that rain!

Lupie said...

Yarn diet sound like something I need but a fiber festival is coming up and....

picperfic said...

I don't feel so bad about my yarn stash now...yours is very impressive!