Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Most supportive family

I have the most supportive husband and daughter. They've been loving and concerned during the past 4 weeks of me being sick (IBS flare up). Thankfully I think I'm on the upswing of awful episode.

But wasn't a total horrible experience! I realized last week that I can now fit into a size smaller blue jean! Not a diet I recommend but a silver lining to an otherwise dark cloud. :P

I haven't spent much time knitting over the last month. If I've had energy for anything, it was mainly family related. But I have managed to knit on my Shipwreck shawl and work some on the next edition of LKC.


Janet said...

Oh, no....that's not good! I thought you were just busy knitting up a storm.

I'm trying to lose some weight but I think I'll try another method! I hope you're feeling much better.

Bethany @ Gettin' It Pegged! said...

I'm so sorry to hear you've not been feeling well! :( But very glad you're now on the mend...Take care!