Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Once Upon A Time..... a kingdom not too far away, lived a little Cocker Spaniel.

Before coming to the kingdom, which he called "land of many tennis balls," he lived in another place where he was very unhappy. He ran away many times. Finally the people from the other place refused to pay yet another ransom to free him from the evil dog catchers. Days passed until finally the people from the land of many tennis balls were able to rescue the little prince. They dubbed him, Sir Arthur of Camelot!

He was so happy in this new kingdom - they had all the tennis balls he could chase and trips in the motorhome!

The only flaw he found in this kingdom was a "wicked-witch" cat. She taunted him with the swishing of her tail and ran when he barked.
Then one day, she was defeated by age! The people of the kingdom mourned her passing - but Sir Arthur forgave them for their feline weakness as they took no other into the kingdom.

Years passed in this happy kingdom. Time brought a decline of health in the handsome Sir Arthur. His vision blurred (the people called it cataracts); his bones started aching (the people used the word arthritis); he could no longer eat the same foods he did as a young prince (the people whispered about doggie ulcerative colitis). But he never ran away - so brave was he.

Then about 2 weeks ago, he starting limping and wimpering. The arthritis had become horribly painful! The offerings of the people of the kingdom could not ease his pain. And the sweet magician, Dr. Catharine, could not make him younger. All the people in the kingdom cried as valiant Sir Arthur died.

Rest in peace my handsome boy. We miss you so much!

I've felt too overwhelmed by real life recently to post to the blog. The above story is just one of many curves life is throwing at us right now. As soon as it all settles down a bit, I'll have time and energy to put new loom patterns up, post pictures of what I've been working on, etc.


Janet said...

We just returned from a trip, and I saw your post. So sorry to hear of your loss. Pets are such an important part of our lives and we need time to mourn their passing. I'm thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

I loved reading your blog although it did bring tears to my eyes, we become so incredibly attached to our beloved pets, they are after all our most loyal companions. I can only imagine how you feel. He is in a better place we have to believe, and now you have two new special friends to help you fill some of that heartache. Sandy