Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Still here

The move has picked up speed. We have dates! At last!! I have a ka-zillion things to remember to do between now and the 21st when the packers arrive. And I've made lists, and more lists.

The house is in shambles as we sort through the drawers, closets and book shelves. I've made enough trips to Goodwill lately that they seem to know me by name. And I have more ready to take over. It's amazing what you hold onto "just in case."

Escrow is in full swing as we fill out yet more paperwork. Selling a house can make you as crazy. I just keep reminding myself of how lucky we are to have sold it in today's horrible market. (Taking a moment to feel lucky.) Just think! I get to be THE BUYER next month. hehe

And through it all, I'm finding a small amount of time to design and knit. About two weeks ago, I had an inspiration. I charted and swatched. Then pulled out paper and drew the design complete with the math. Last weekend I had a chance to start knitting, and have managed to knit about 2 inches. Not a lot but considering everything else going on, that's dang good! I'd post a couple of pictures but I can't find the camera. Ah well....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

21st? That's less then 2 weeks. Lunch? Donna